3/27(金)28(土)29(日)/マシュー・スウィーニー(Matthew Sweeney)/ 週末ヨガワークショップ(計15時間)
*Please scroll down for English.
Ashtangiのバイブル「Astanga Yoga As It Is」の著者であるMatthew Sweeneyの週末ワークショップです。
始めに少しこのワークショップとヴィンヤサ・ヨガを紹介する時間をとった後、月のシークエンスからクラスに入ります。疲れていますか?消耗ぎみじゃないですか? 怪我していませんか? それとも少し元気がないとか?
3月28日(土曜日) 10:00-13:00
3月28日(土曜日) 14:00-17:00
3月29日(日曜日) 14:00-17:00
ヨガワークショップ予約専用サイト からお申し込みください。(携帯OK)
Matthew Sweeney is the author of the famous Ashtangi's "Bible"「Astanga Yoga As It Is」.
Weekend Workshop with Matthew Sweeney
This weekend workshop is an informative and practical exploration of Ashtanga Yoga and Vinyasa Yoga. It will include traditional Ashtanga Yoga, therapeutic Vinyasa sequences and Yoga philosophy. It is a unique opportunity for both novice and advanced Yoga enthusiasts to practice under the tutelage of an international and advanced Yoga
Matthew delivers these workshops with enthusiasm and a fun-filled atmosphere to allow you to explore the joy of Yoga. The latest aspects of Matthew's workshop series include flowing led practices and insightful guidance on various hints, tricks and techniques for some of the more intricate aspects of Asana practice.
These sessions are useful for Yoga practitioners from any tradition and are not just aimed at traditional Ashtanga Yoga students.
Gentle Alternative Vinyasa Sequence (I)
Chandra Krama: The Moon Sequence
Beginning with a short introduction about the workshop and Vinyasa Yoga this class will commence with Moon Sequence. Feeling tired?Depleted? Injured? Or otherwise a bit low?
This sequence is a gentle flowing Vinyasa form accessible for all levels. Although this sequence was originally intended for practice on the full moon, the new moon and during the menstrual cycle, it is appropriate at any time for women or men. This sequence emphasises the hips, groin, lower spine and abdominals, which will feel awake and alive after moving through the postures.
It takes pressure off the neck, shoulders and wrists(common from the standard jumps in the Ashtanga series) and is useful as a regular alternative to the intense heat of the traditionalAshtanga.
Whether old or young this sequence is great for any age. Some Yoga experience is recommended.
3/28(Sat) 10:00-13:00
Jumping Through and Jumping Back
This class will explore the methods and techniques necessary to implement greater ease and ability with jumping through and jumping back. This class will begin with a warm up based on the traditional series and then explore the jumps in Suryanamaskara followed by the jumps in and out of the sitting postures - both cross-legged and straight-legged. These useful techniques have been comprehensively developed over many years and are applicable for students of any level.
3/28(Sat) 14:00-17:00
Vinyasa, Back Bending and Mula Bandha.
This class will begin with a short Vinyasa warm up. This will be followed by exploring variations of back bending and drop backs. Simple hands on exercises will be provided to increase awareness of the articulation of the lower spine, pelvic floor and psoas muscles. This session will also include some practical advice for understanding and applying the mula bandha, or root lock and will conclude with a group discussion on Yoga Philosophy.
3/29(Sun) 10:00-13:00
The Complete Primary Series
Taught in an informative manner, this class will take the students through the Primary Series from start to finish. Students will be encouraged to attempt the postures to their own particular level of ability to avoid pain and injury and to maximize the sense of joy and ease that is possible in the traditional sequence. A discussion and answer session will conclude this class, with examination of some of the anatomical and physiological outlines of the Primary seated postures and individual body types. Some Ashtanga Yoga experience is necessary for this class, though students will be encouraged to omit any postures that are problematic.
3/29(Sun) 14:00-17:00
Shoulder Sequence, Headstand, Handstand and Meditation
This class will begin with a short warm up designed to open the shoulders and upper back, followed by an exploration of headstand and handstand. A combination of easy to follow techniques and a fun atmosphere of learning will infuse this session. This class will finish with the subtle aspects of Yoga including Pranayama (breathing exercises), Meditation and a final question and answer session.
Shinjuku/Yoyogi area
For reservations, please contact Under The Light Yoga School
Matthew's knowledge of Yoga encompasses 20 years of practice and 14 years experience as a teacher. His education includes Shiatsu massage, Yoga therapy, Iyengar Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga. Matthew's teaching
combines the tradition of Ashtanga Yoga with the therapeutic needs of each student. He provides an individual approach to the Mysore method and is renowned for the attention he gives to both novice and advanced
Matthew is widely regarded as one of the world's most advanced exponents of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga as taught by Shri. K. Pattabhi Jois. His Asana practice includes "Advanced B", or 4th Series. He studies regularly at the Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute in Mysore India where he completed "Advanced A", or 3rd Series in 1996.
After many years of Ashtanga practice Matthew has developed his own unique Vinyasa sequences which he promotes and teaches as suitable alternatives to the standard series. These unique Vinyasa classes are
conducted to encourage students to apply a therapeutic approach to their personal practice and to encourage a creative and adventurous heart.
Matthew travels and teaches Yoga workshops in Australia, Asia, North.
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